英语幽默笑话 英语笑话30个单词左右

百科达人 | 发布时间:2024-01-19 00:52:06 | 小编:找百科 - www.80007.net
找百科:专业的百科知识平台 QQ:7384656


有一天小明不小心走路撞到一个外国人,他不好意思的说:「I am sorry.」  「I am sorry,too.」外国人回答。  「I am sorry three.」小明马上回道。  「What are you sorry for?」外国人问。  「I am sorry five…」小明说。




Patients with dislocated jaws are lining up outside the emergency department waiting for their treatment.03请点击此处输入图片描述When your hands slipped when tearing a bread and you accidentally punched your dog in the eye with your elbow.04请点击此处输入图片描述拿铁Latte05请点击此处输入图片描述春季限定樱花拿铁Spring-Limited Sakura Latte06请点击此处输入图片描述冰美式Iced Americano07请点击此处输入图片描述你是个好人,不过你脸太黑。

You are a good guy. But you just don't look like someone who see eye to eye with fortune.08请点击此处输入图片描述就跟你说不要戴着耳机睡觉啊。

Told you not to sleep with your earphones still on.09请点击此处输入图片描述Two elephants are fighting using qing kung.10请点击此处输入图片描述去内蒙的站票了解一下。

Would you like to know about the standing tickets to Inner Mongolia?11请点击此处输入图片描述My freshly made manicures can't touch water!12请点击此处输入图片描述喜欢扔粉笔头的老师发现全班都睡着之后,准备放大招了。

When you're at your own funeral and hear that they are gonna publicly read out your facebook posts from 5 years ago.14请点击此处输入图片描述被路人多看了几眼就以为人家对自己有意思。

Someone who thought a passer-by was into him just because he saw her looked at him for a second.15请点击此处输入图片描述Close. Close. I'm nearly touching it!16请点击此处输入图片描述——每个月花20美元就能把你的孩子寄存在云端,您看怎……——成交。


When Jack Ma is on a vacation and eardrops again that someone is citing him for something he didn't say.18请点击此处输入图片描述猫:不是说要去买小鱼干吗?!为什么我看到前面是兽医诊所?!Cat: Aren't we going for anchovies? Why am I seeing the vet's clinic there??!!狗:习惯就好。

Dog: You'll get used to this.19请点击此处输入图片描述奶奶听到了《希望的田野上》,不由自主开始蹦迪。

找百科:专业的百科知识平台 QQ:7384656

